Peace Mask Project is currently recruiting youth from Japan, Korea, and China. Learn more about what it means to be a youth leader in our project and how to apply on the Youth Leaders page.
Peace Mask East Asia was born out of a need for community-led initiatives for peace between the people of Korea, Japan, and China, at a time when tensions are rising in the region. The causes of these tensions are multi-faceted and complex, with division threatening to take precedence over great commonalities. The goal of this project is to celebrate our commonalities and transform these tensions through the actions of individuals, families and communities, thus paving a new road for future generations. Believing in creativity and vision, Peace Mask East Asia will center the current project on empowering youth from the three countries to become peacebuilders of the future.
One Thousand Masks
During a one-year period (starting September 2014), one thousand Peace Masks will be made of youth in China, Korea, and Japan – 333 in each country. The 1,000th Peace Mask, will be that of a child of the future.
The first Peace Mask East Asia Workshop and exhibition will take place at the 8th International Conference of Museums for Peace (September 19th to 22nd, 2014) at the No Gun Ri Memorial Peace Museum in Korea.
Following this, PMEA will hold workshops and exhibitions at three distinct locations in each of the hosting countries. It is the goal of this project to have the final exhibition at either the UNESCO International Arts for Peace Festival or/and, if possible, at The United Nations Headquarters in New York. Efforts are currently being made to reach this goal.